Welcome to Deenreflection.com

The diary of a muslim revert woman. On this blog, I will be sharing a weekly entry of reflections, realizations, lessons, defeating nafs, keeping strength and Imaan, and inspiration for others, Insha Allah. Islam is truly a beautiful faith and way of life, and despite the many misconceptions and misinformation in our world, we know best in our hearts. Allah guides who he wills, and we can turn to our creator at any time. Indeed Allah is the most merciful, most compassionate, most forgiving, and the all seeing, all knowing. My hope with this blog is to grow together and be the best that we can be. Inspiring and supporting each other as women and muslims, in this temporary dunya. This world truly needs more love, support, forgiveness, and acceptance. Let us increase our knowledge, our faith, our deeds, our imaan, our health, and our rizq, Amin. 

Turning to Allah for help, and guidance to be better.

SubhanAllah.. this is a beautiful reminder that if you are making Duas to Allah SubhanahWaTa’Alla to BE better, to be the best Muslim you can be, to increase your knowledge, deeds, health, rizq.. Whether you are saying these Duas in your sujud during prayer, or taking a couple of minutes after prayer, or during rainfall, at any time you are making these Duas, I am telling you it will start to happen. You will subconsciously start to be better and begin habits and thoughts, urges and feelings that make you a better muslim. I always prioritize these kinds of Duas because we are each placed here and judged as individuals, so of course it is important to ask Allah for guidance and help, especially when struggling with your deen, nafs, reading Quran, the 5 fard prayers daily, wasting time, feeling lazy, whatever it may be. We are not perfect and we all have flaws. After making these duas always and so consistently I just wanted to share my own experience of how I have truly been seeing my duas answered and working. Whether it is on a random morning my body instantly waking up for praying Fajr on time, or an urge to gift something or share extra food or make a free item post. A random urge to delete a few more photos of myself that I had online, or an urge to wear hijab today on my errands. MashaAllah we truly are heard and cared for by our Lord and maker, and Allah loves us more than we know. I hope this inspired someone to know and trust that your Duas will be answered, and Allah loves those who repent to him, and turns to him for guidance and reassurance.

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My story

Assalamualaikum, sisters. To share a background of myself and the creator of this blog..I am a convert to Islam of just over one year now, Alhamdulillah. I have been on a beautiful journey in exploring and deeper understanding my faith and Islam over all the weeks and months. I was born and raised in Canada, and have not experienced living anywhere else in my lifetime. I grew up a very curious and passionate child, enjoying learning about other cultures, stories, countries, history, and faith. My parents were not religious and I did not go to any religious schools or environments. Over the years growing up, I had friends who were Christian, muslim, and still never gave much thought to it, or questioned my own faith. It wasn't until I was 22 years old that I had a realization, and that it was time to have a deeper search in my life. Something was missing and often times I questions what our purpose is in this life. Why were we made and placed here to just sleep and wake up and go to work, each day the motions passing by. There was something missing like a void and I was searching for more meaning and truth. I was fortunate enough to travel to the beautiful country Egypt, or in other words "Masr Om El Donya" meaning mother of the world, in Arabic. Hearing the Athan prayer call daily, seeing the true kindness and hospitality of the people, the faith and mentality of even the most poor families, waking up every day saying " Alhamdulillah "... Such a powerful word, Alhamdulillah. Once I returned back to Canada, I was on a mission to learn as much about Islam as I could. A few more months went by of reading, correcting all of the misconceptions I heard from society, seeking correct sources and speakers, and even made some amazing helpful friends on my journey. I decided to officially take my shahada, and live the rest of my life as a faithful muslim woman. With every day that passed, my heart would become more passionate and filled with love for our creator and for our prophets and messengers of Allah. I remember being so excited to watch this movie "the message" and I sat through the whole three hours just peaceful and full of light while realizing this is also the only film that speaks of our prophet peace be upon him. It was a great movie, and only inspired me more. Again over the months , I have grown so much in my faith and habits, only by the help and guidance of Al-Mu'min, The one who gives Imaan and security. As-Salaam, The perfection and giver of peace. I hope to inspire others on their journey to make many Duas, read, learn, and fall in love with our beautiful Islam. I will always say, the absolute best day of my life will forever be the day that I said my shadada and officially walked away a Muslim, forever. The best day will not be a wedding day, or the day a child is born, or the day a child got married, or any other day at all, because what greater gift in this life than to be muslim, and have your entire outlook on everything changed forever. The gift of teaching Islam to others, and future children, Insha Allah. The gift of believing in the afterlife, and how Muslims view the time of death, and everything being written. Nothing happens in this life without the will of Allah. It is such a peaceful way to look at our lives, knowing that any small or large crisis , event, hardship that happens; was meant to happen. We don't know the reason why, and we don't need to question it. Allah knows best. 

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About us

Deenreflection.com is a platform dedicated to sharing the personal journey of a Muslim revert, offering insights, lessons, and inspirations to readers seeking spiritual growth and self-discovery. Join us on this transformative path of self-reflection and inner peace.

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